Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

Procept Courses Eligible for OSAP Funding

Procept Courses Eligible for OSAP Funding

For those residing in Ontario, good news: the list of Procept courses eligible for OSAP funding has expanded. OSAP (the Ontario Student Assistance Program) is a government program providing provincial funding for students at Ontario higher-education institutions. Through Procept's partnerships with various universities in Ontario, several of our courses have become eligible for OSAP grants and loans, if taken through those institutions. Specifically, these courses are eligible under Ontario's post-secondary micro-credential program. Details on the program are available at

Previously, three of Procept's business analysis courses were eligible for OSAP funding if taken through the University of Waterloo: Comprehensive Business Analysis (Part 1) - Planning and Communication; Comprehensive Business Analysis (Part 2) - Elicitation, Documentation and Analysis; and Enterprise and Strategic Analysis. These courses at University of Waterloo are only eligible for OSAP funding until the end of 2021.

New to the OSAP micro-credential program are the same three Procept courses plus our Certified Agile Project Manager course, all through Western University in London, Ontario. OSAP funding for these courses will continue after the end of 2021.

"As Canada's leading management training company, Procept is continually looking for ways to improve our service delivery and make our courses more accessible to learners," says Procept's president, Kevin Aguanno. "We see our strategic partnerships with higher learning institutions as one way of making our best-in-category courses available to those who may benefit the most: those looking for work, looking for more rewarding work, or looking for a change in career direction. The OSAP funding for these micro-credential courses makes them affordable for those most in need."