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Procept Presents... Project Management Videos

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With long and rich history giving back to the project management profession, Procept Associates Ltd. and its subsidiaries have created the following educational videos for the project management community. For more information about our project management webinars and how they can help you maintain your project management certifications, please watch the video below.


From Conflict to Collaboration: Solving Construction Disputes
by Morley Selver

The complex nature of construction projects, involving multiple stakeholders, tight deadlines, and significant financial investments, often sets the stage for disputes. These disagreements can derail projects, inflate costs, and damage relationships. Identifying and understanding the common sources of these disputes is the first step toward mitigating them effectively. But what are these common sources, and how can construction professionals proactively address them to keep projects on track and within budget? Don't let disputes derail your construction projects. By understanding the root causes of common disputes and implementing strategic prevention measures, construction professionals can enhance project outcomes, reduce costs, and build stronger relationships with all project stakeholders. Watch this one-hour webinar by Procept Senior Construction PM Specialist, Morley Selver, and arm yourself with the strategies needed to prevent, detect, and resolve conflicts effectively. Watch this invaluable webinar and take a proactive step towards smoother, more successful construction projects.

Business Case Realization: The Goal of Mature Project Management Practice
by Kevin Aguanno

Our view of project management best practices has continuously evolved over the past several decades as the profession matures. PM standards from PMI and other international bodies have tried to keep pace with the changes, adding or expanding guidance on topics such as stakeholder management, business analysis, agile management practices, and organizational change management. These additions to the project manager's toolkit are moving the profession in one direction: improving business case realization.

Watch this video presented by project management guru Kevin Aguanno to learn the drivers behind this trend, what PMI is doing about it, and how you can get ahead of the curve to stand out as the PM your sponsors demand on their projects.

90% of Project Managers are Doing it Wrong!
by Kevin Aguanno

Most project managers get lost in the details of a project, worrying about task dependencies, effort estimates, and deadlines; however, while these details are important (after all, someone has to be watching out for them) they do not make a project successful and for the most part, your business sponsors don't care about tasks and effort estimates. Projects are funded to achieve business benefits -- and business only really cares about achieving these benefits. Is your project trending late or over budget? That may not matter if it doesn't meaningfully affect the achievement of benefits. What we are taught to track and include in our status reports is often not at all what the business needs to know. In this recorded webinar, project management expert Kevin Aguanno breaks some common misperceptions about project management. He shows how the tools we commonly use (such as Microsoft Project and Primavera P6) are focused on only a small part of what is really needed to manage a project successfully. In fact, he shows that over 90% of PMs are managing the wrong parts of their projects. Watch this convention-defying video to learn how you could be managing your projects the right way.

How an Organiation's Culture Affects its PMO Style
by Tim Lalonde

How you structure your PMO is a reflection of your position within the organization (i.e. your power and influence), your time horizon (short-term vs. long-term thinking), and your PMO style (controlling, partnering, or serving). How you align your PMO structure or style with the organization can lead to either significant benefits or dire conflicts. This fascinating presentation, based on academic research into the different types of large PMOs, reveals how you can make your PMO more relevant to the organization, how an organization’s culture may drive your PMO structural choices, and what are the characteristics and roles associated with the various PMO style options upon which you can base your own PMO structure.

The NextGen PMO: Project vs. Operational Governance Mindsets
by Dr. Mark Kozak-Holland

Projects exist in organizations to make changes to existing operations. In other words, they are disruptors to business-as-usual thinking and processes. So it makes sense that they face a different set of challenges and require a different set of management processes than the ongoing organizational operations; yet, most organizations try to govern projects using operations management thinking and techniques. This recording by Procept's lead consultant, Mark Kozak-Holland, will transform your understanding of project management and your thinking about how you need to govern the projects in your organization. Learn hgow to better align your processes and your metrics with desired project results using a true project management mindset.

Having a Benefits Focus: The Key to PMO Success
by Kevin Aguanno

Many PMOs struggle with proving their value to the business. They want to show that they are not just another cost centre but rather drive strategic value that more than justifies their existence. ​In this session, learn from Procept's PM expert Kevin Aguanno how PMOs can better restructure methodologies, governance processes, and reporting around business value creation to shift the perceptions about the value being generated by the PMO. Learn how this approach better aligns the PMO with evolving PM standards from PMI and other international organizations.

Creativity and Innovation in Project Management
by Dr. Sami Fahmy

Creativity and innovation skills are critical success factors for project managers. They make the difference between good project managers and extraordinary ones. This recorded webinar highlights the importance of creativity and innovation in project management, taking participants beyond processes, deadlines, and logical approaches. During this session, Dr. Fahmy challenges you to become an innovative thinker. He shares five practical tools and techniques, tips on fostering a creative environment for your team, ideas to enhance your creative abilities, and much more. By the end of this webinar, you will acquire the skills, and abilities to turn risky situations into opportunities, make better decisions, predict and prepare for problems, and to keep looking where others stop.

Leveraging the 8 Sources of Personal Power
by Dr. Vijay K. Verma

Most project managers have enormous responsibility but not enough formal authority. They cannot succeed without the proper understanding of power and how to use it effectively. Successful project managers recognize the need to evaluate power and the importance of managing stakeholders through influence. gIn this recorded webinar, Procept senior consultant Vijay Verma identifies the eight types of personal power, the characteristics and outcomes of each type, how to capitalize on your informal power, and how to develop strategies to increase your total power. Viewers will learn practical guidelines to influence successfully without formal authority by leveraging their eight sources of personal power.

Using a PMO to Recession-Proof Your Business
by Hussain Bandukwala

Running a successful business is difficult, especially when factors outside of your control (such as pandemics, recessions or changing market conditions) interfere with your plans. When your organization is going through a rough patch due to external factors, internal situations, or both, sometimes you need to change your perspective and view the situation as an opportunity to reflect, shred, build, and bounce. PMOs can play a central role in making this happen. In this recording of an interactive webinar by Procept's PMO guru, Hussain Bandukwala, learn critical recession-proofing essentials for all organizations and the PMO’s role in establishing these essentials. The presentation covers both "what" and "how" a PMO can help protect your business as well as the "Five Cs" of PMO success.

Building Quality in Construction Projects
by Dr. Sami Fahmy

Project managers must understand the principles and practices of building quality into their construction projects, rather than just doing inspections. This session emphasizes the role of the project manager in the prevention of problems rather than just fixing them. It covers best practices related to building quality in scope, safety, human resources, stakeholder management, procurement, communication, scheduling, risk, cost and integration. Hosted by Procept construction management expert Dr. Sami Fahmy, this recording of a live webinar will show participants participants how to develop confidence in their construction management skills, leading to career advancement; how to predict and manage client expectations, be sensitive the staff needs and wants, and put an effective message together; and how to select contractors and suppliers based on prequalifications.

Setting Up a PMO: Wow them in 100 Days!
by Hussain Bandukwala

The first 100 days for any leader entering office marks a major milestone. New leaders are judged on their performance during this period and stakeholder perceptions will persist throughout their tenures. As a new PMO leader, you should take advantage of your first 100 days to set expectations on your vision for how the PMO will support the business in achieving its objectives. This webinar by Procept PMO guru Hussain Bandukwala outlines a framework to set up or transform a PMO in 100 days. It will discuss the key skills needed by a PMO leader and how they should progress through various stages of the PMO leader's career, plus a 100-day PMO transformation roadmap with the top three key items to be completed in each stage of the roadmap. Finally, Bandukwala will reveal the top reasons why PMOs fail and how you can avoid them. Register now to set yourself up for success in setting up a new PMO or transforming an existing PMO!

Killer Ideas for Delivering Successful Projects
by Kevin Aguanno

Some of the world's best project managers repeatedly deliver successful projects using techniques they have learned the hard way -- through "the school of hard knocks". These tips and tricks are what distinguish them from the rest of the project managers out there. Join project management expert Kevin Aguanno as he shares 25 tips and tricks learned from some of the world's top project managers. (This is part one of a two-part series. The second part is titled "More Killer Ideas for Delivering Successful Projects.")

MORE Killer Ideas for Delivering Successful Projects
by Kevin Aguanno

Building on our last webinar that presented 25 tips and tricks for delivering successful projects, this session continues with even MORE techniques learned from the world's best project managers. Join project management expert Kevin Aguanno as he shares these techniques along with some fascinating stories showing these techniques in use. (This is part two of a two-part series. The first part is titled "Killer Ideas for Delivering Successful Projects.")

Lean PM (Part 1): Eliminating Waste
by Kevin Aguanno

With most of us facing intense pressures to reduce the costs and speed up the delivery of our projects, we find ourselves grasping for techniques that will help. While some techniques such as agile project management help us address this need, there are additional techniques borrowed from the manufacturing world that can further reduce costs and shorten our project delivery cycles. These additional techniques are often described as being "Lean". This session (Eliminating Waste), by Procept's agile and lean expert Kevin Aguanno, covers the eight types of waste, the five elements of lean, the four rules of lean, and one technique that can is designed to rapidly identify and reduce sources of waste on your project. (This is part one of a two-part series. The second part is titled "Lean Project Management (Part 2) - Improving Workflow")

Lean PM (Part 2): Improving Workflow
by Kevin Aguanno

With most of us facing intense pressures to reduce the costs and speed up the delivery of our projects, we find ourselves grasping for techniques that will help. While some techniques such as agile project management help us address this need, there are additional techniques borrowed from the manufacturing world that can further reduce costs and shorten our project delivery cycles. These additional techniques are often described as being "Lean". This session (Improving Workflow) led by Procept consultant Kevin Aguanno covers the eight types of waste, the five elements of lean, the four rules of lean, and one technique that can is designed to rapidly identify and reduce sources of waste on your project. (This is part two of a two-part series. The first part is titled "Lean Project Management (Part 1) - Eliminating Waste")

How to Use Mental Models to Make your PM Career Successful
by Donna Fitzgerald

Join PM guru Donna Fitzgerald as she shares a number of different models for thinking about project management that you can use to differentiate yourself from the crowded field of project managers and change your career trajectory. This is a recording of the opening keynote presentation at the Women in Project Management event held April 7, 2022, co-organized by Procept Associates Ltd. and the Project Management Association of Canada (PMAC-AGPC)

Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset for Project Managers: Gaining "The Edge"
by Bill Richardson

Whether it’s launching your own enterprise or being the kind of tenacious project manager who achieves a goal regardless of the odds, having an entrepreneurial spirit and the supporting skills and abilities can help you and your teams succeed. Experts agree that vision -- the ability to develop a clear path towards achieving lofty goals and ambitions -- is the universal trait that makes a difference. More and more, organizations want employees with that same entrepreneurial spirit.

This recorded webinar will raise your awareness about specific personality traits and skills required to become “the tenacious project manager” mentioned above. It will show you how entrepreneurial PMs act as if they have a personal stake in the success or failure of the initiative and how the entrepreneurial mindset focuses on delivery of business value. . In addition to energizing professionalism, this webinar will explain how you can get “The Edge” by developing the ten integrated skills required to consistently deliver business outcomes.

Creating Self-Motivated Project Teams
by Vijay K. Verma

Overall project success depends on the motivation and performance of project team members and other stakeholders. Organizations recognize the importance of highly motivated individuals and project teams to develop effective and creative solutions to resolve business problems. A highly-motivated project team means substantial cost savings, better quality, and higher team productivity, satisfaction, and morale.

In this recorded webinar, participants will learn the three components of a self-motivating project team culture and the critical role empowerment and team building play in establishing this culture as well as the five stages of team maturity. Participants will also learn the importance of a good champion, organizational culture, work environment, management philosophy, and above all, the readiness of the team members. Finally, participants will learn strategies to maintain a self-motivating project team culture. Join best-selling author Vijay K. Verma as he reveals the practical skills needed to help a team to produce extraordinary results.

Megatrends 2021: PMI's Vision for the Future
by Bill Richardson

The Project Management Institute (PMI) has recently published a report called Megatrends 2021. This report details five megatrends that dominate what PMI calls "The Project Economy" and explains how "a new ecosystem of change makers" are able to navigate the massive changes underway in the world and find new business opportunities that have a positive social impact. Join thought leader Bill Richardson as he presents a thoughtful and inspiring overview of this publication and how these trends could shape where you invest your valuable time and money in the coming months. You will leave this session rejuvenated and better informed about which soft and hard skills areas will be best suited to help you “bounce forward” in the post COVID-19 era. At the end of this webinar, you will know more about how to pivot/adapt to new ways of working, inspire resilience in others with foundational collaboration and empathy skills, and orchestrate strategic thinking while under pressure.

Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
by Vijay K. Verma

Most project managers have enormous responsibility but limited direct authority. Successful project managers must understand the dynamics of power and politics and the importance of managing stakeholders through leadership and influence. They must analyze the political landscape in their organizations to identify three political positions (the naïve, the sharks, and the politically sensible).

In this recorded webinar by Procept guru Vijay Verma, you will understand the important keywords for positive and negative politics, learn to identify the three political positions, and increase your leadership effectiveness. You will learn how to stop being naïve, protect yourself from “sharks,” learn to be politically sensible, and convert your adversaries and opponents into allies. You will learn many practical tips to become politically sensible and create a climate of collaboration, teamwork, synergy, commitment, and motivation while leading people to their peak performance using the art of positive politics.

Using Positive Political Strategies for Project Success
by Vijay K. Verma

Politics is often seen as a dirty word, bringing to mind back-room dealing, manipulation and deceit; however, this does not have to be the case. In this session, Procept senior consultant Vijay Verma, author of the book "The Art of Positive Politics: A Key to Delivering Successful Projects," will explore the techniques of positive politics – using political techniques in an ethical way to achieve positive benefits for all stakeholders and the project itself. Full of practical advice, the session provides tips to help you better manage stakeholders and the “office politics” in your project.

Recorded on November 5, 2020 at the Canadian International Project Management Day celebrations.

Starting your Project Management Career with an Agile Mindset
by Joanna Tivig

In today's workplace, we need to be more adaptive and work differently to deliver value and meet customers' needs. Just in time delivery and faster executions have become fundamental for organizational success in these challenging times. Agile approaches help organizations navigate through change and implement new ways of working. Join Procept instructor Joanna Tivig as she talks about tools and techniques that can help you develop and cultivate an Agile mindset, to manage your projects successfully and to become a great project manager.

Recorded on November 5, 2020 at the Canadian International Project Management Day celebrations.

Dealing with Difficult Sponsors
by Ori Schibi

Disengaged, closed-minded and meddling sponsors are key causes of troubled projects. Scope creep and other project challenges are often driven by sponsors using their power to force changes onto the project that jeopardize successful project delivery. In this recording, Ori Schibi, Procept senior instructor and author of the new book "Effective Project and Change Sponsorship: Getting the Most from your Strategic Investments", explains how to better work with difficult sponsors – and how to be a better sponsor for your own project teams.

Recorded on November 5, 2020 at the Canadian International Project Management Day celebrations.

Massive Changes at PMI: PMBok 7, PMP Exam Changes, Disciplined Agile, and More...
by Kevin Aguanno

One of the world’s largest standards bodies, the Project Management Institute (PMI) is in the process of rolling out a number of massive changes that fundamentally change our understanding of the project management profession. Their standards are changing, their certification regimen, their requirements for project management training providers, they have added new certifications, and more. Watch this presentation by Procept president Kevin Aguanno to learn more about these changes...

This is a revised and updated version of an earlier presentation by Peter Monkhouse recorded at the Canadian online celebrations for International Project Management Day on Nov. 5, 2020.  The older version is still available at https://youtu.be/_nPxCHOnTBI

Project Finance Concepts for Project Managers
by Kevin Aguanno

As project managers grow in competence and begin to take on larger projects and programs, the demands upon them also grow. Project sponsors and other stakeholders expect the project managers to begin making project management decisions that positively impact the financial aspects of the project -- not only delivering on (or under) budget but also looking at other considerations such as the timing of financial draws and cashflows, various partnerships and profit-sharing or revenue-sharing arrangements with partner organizations, and other similar matters.

Watch this fascinating video to boost your career by learning some of the foundational concepts of project finance to better prepare you to take on larger, more complex projects and to be seen by your sponsors as a partner in achieving business value.

Variations on a PMO
by Sylvie Edwards

It is clear to see, if you go from one organization to another, that not all Project Management Offices (PMOs) are created equally. There is no cookie-cutter template for the establishment of a PMO. Every PMO is unique because it serves the unique needs of your organization. It needs to be perfectly tailored to support your strategies and your staff. Join Procept instructor Sylvie Edwards in this recording where she will review what elements make a PMO, some of the naming conventions that exist, and the structure and maturity of PMOs. Recorded at the 2019 International Project Management Day celebrations in Toronto, Canada on Nov. 7, 2019.

If a Project is a Project, Why are Construction & IT Projects so Different?
by Michael Lemiski

Understanding the factors that differentiate project types can help prepare a project manager for success, even in unfamiliar territory. To illustrate this concept, this presentation will examine two project types (construction and IT projects) to identify some significant differences and a few similarities and how they result in different project management challenges. Procept consultant Michael Lemiski shares tips and techniques he has used to manage these challenges over many different types of projects. Recorded at the 2019 International Project Management Day celebrations in Toronto, Canada on Nov. 7, 2019.

Program Management in a Matrixed Environment
by Don Wallar

Many organizations have organized themselves under the matrix model, wherein people have multiple “bosses” for different purposes. Watch this interactive session as Procept consultant Don Wallar discusses a practical approach to establishing and managing project teams in the various types of matrix environments and how enterprise PM software tools help solve some common matrix environment issues. Recorded at the 2019 International Project Management Day conference in Toronto, Nov. 7, 2019.

Evolution of a PMO Leader: Lessons from Matthew McConaughey
by Hussain Bandukwala

Interested in advancing your career to become a PMO leader? Or are you an existing PMO leader who feels like you could be doing better? This 1-hour recorded webinar from PMO consultant Hussain Bandukwala takes inspiration from the career renaissance of Oscar-winning Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey. The session outlines Matthew’s own career transformation and extracts the key skills required to become a successful PMO leader. At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to identify three principles that PMO leaders should stop overlooking in their daily routines, to define the necessary attributes to grow in the PMO leader role, and to understand the immediate next steps in acquiring them.

Strategic Thinking
by David Donaldson

Dynamic and innovative organizations require leaders at all levels who can think strategically, anticipate issues, solve problems, and make decisions based on new and emerging information while keeping the long-term vision in mind… these principles apply to the project manager as well. In this highly interactive webinar we will explore the base concepts and elements of Strategic Thinking and how it applies in the world of Project Management.

PDU Code: 1051XSATW2

Design Thinking as a Form of Strategic Thinking
by David Donaldson

Design Thinking is a five-step process intended to help designers be more innovative. While its roots trace back to the 1950s, in more recent years it has gained traction in the world of software and other systems design and hence is now a popular tool in the PM’s tool box.

PDU Code: 1051NSBJN7

Benefits Realization: Combining Change Management and Project Management to Achieve Project Success
by Ori Schibi

Project Managers work hard to make sure that their project deliverables are created, reviewed, and signed off by their clients on time and on budget. But what happens if the deliverables never get used? What if the stakeholders resist the new changes and the project budget was spent in vain. Is “on time” and “on budget” enough to ensure success? Of course not. What project sponsors really want is for the project to achieve its expected business case benefits. Enter the discipline of change management. Strategies and practices exist to help ensure that project deliverables are accepted and used by project stakeholders to achieve the intended value. Change management fits these strategies and practices into frameworks that help one to ensure that a project delivers its intended results, not just its intended deliverables.

Join Procept senior consultant Ori Schibi in this 1 hour webinar as he shows project managers how they can start using change management practices to make their projects more successful.

Why are PMOs Failing?
by David Donaldson

25% of PMOs fail in their first year. This rate of failure continues in years two and three, leaving 75% of PMOs closed after just three years (Duddy & Perry, 2010). Too often, PMOs focus on process, defining success as on-time and on-budget. By so doing, they become regulators, enforcing strict methodologies and reporting, a tactic that continues to prove itself ineffective. If we want to improve our track record, we need to shift our focus to providing value. When a project is delivered on time, on budget and to spec, but the resulting product or process is not embraced by its users, the project has failed to deliver value. This interactive session will look at change management strategies that can be employed, at both the PMO and PM levels, to help ensure that value is delivered and projects are successful.

Presented by David Donaldson, Procept's Change Management Practice Lead, at the 2018 International PM Day conference in Toronto, Ontario. This event was organized and sponsored by Procept Associates Ltd.

Start with Success!
by Reginald Scotland

In the project initiation phase, perils and pitfalls can lead to downstream difficulties as a project progresses. Learn how to avoid these and how effective initiation can set up your project for overall success. Initiation is an opportunity to confirm a project is ready to move forward, including: ensuring that the business case is still valid; identifying the sponsors, both formal and informal; confirming the project manager’s roles and responsibilities; identifying and engaging stakeholders; and obtaining approval of the project charter.

Presented by Reginald Scotland, Senior Instructor, at the 2018 International PM Day conference in Toronto, Ontario. This event was organized and sponsored by Procept Associates Ltd.

Project InfoBursts
by Ralph Kuhn

In this information economy, projects and programs often succeed – or fail – due to how information is communicated between multiple groups. With the fast pace of workplace change, what worked last time may no longer be relevant. The risks inherent in reusing the communications plan from a past project may be too great to ignore.

In this video, Procept associate Ralph Kuhn examines the common points of miscommunication at various points along the project lifecycle. Along the way, he’ll show how project and program managers must spend time validating – and reinventing – previously-reliable communications channels.

Using a Capability Lens to Identify Project and Program Delivery Risks
by Mark Peco

Project managers working within larger programs deliver cross-functional projects and services that must be aligned with broader organization goals to be successful. New opportunities available to organizations from advances in analytics are offering the promise of data-driven success. Achieving this potential is risky. Risks exist in each implementation project, in the dependencies between projects and in the operational environment that follows implementation. Assuming an overall program leadership team is accountable for success as defined by business impact, a capability lens provides a useful framework for exploring and identifying risks within and across projects that need to be managed.

This presentation, by Procept associate Mark Peco, frames the data-driven journey as a series of linked projects and services that build new capabilities for the organization. The resulting framework shows capability areas that can be used to assess strengths and weaknesses. The areas of weakness expose areas of risk that need to be addressed by the leadership team.

Do You Know What Should Be on Your PM Radar? Key Trends in Project Management
by Sylvie Edwards

Are you prepared for what’s coming up in the PM profession? It is expected that by 2020, 1.57 million new project management-related jobs will be created. At the same time, the requirements for PM candidates are constantly shifting. Smart businesses have to pay attention to these trends in order to keep ahead of the pack.

This presentation by senior Procept associate Sylvie Edwards will cover some of the key trends on our radar, many of which are starting to appear now. By the end of this video, you will be able to map our your career path and position yourself for success. Give yourself a competitive advantage by being at the forefront of new trends, ideas, and opportunities!

Conflict on Projects: Please Tell Me Why?
by Janice Petley

Project Managers must have strong conflict resolutions skills because all projects have conflict. Based on the results of her research, Procept Senior Associate Janice Petley discusses the types of conflicts that are most likely to occur during various project phases and presents models that can be used to resolve those conflicts.

Conflicts on projects occur because of differences of opinion or different levels of understanding regarding specific issues. Area of conflict could include: goals, schedules, budgets, requirements, deliverables, methodologies, changes, risks, and resources. There are also personality conflicts. Unresolved conflicts typically intensify and become increasingly difficult to resolve. If substantive conflicts remain unsettled, they are more likely to turn into personality conflicts; the most problematic type of conflict. Although conflicts are by nature unpredictable, there are some patterns that help us predict the type of conflicts we might experience. There are several models that can be used to resolve conflicts and the skilled project manager should have a variety of conflict resolution tools in his or her tool kit. The ability to successfully manage conflict in a professional, timely manner distinguishes an average project manager from a great project manager.

Exploring the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
by Don Wallar

Building a high-performing team is difficult if you don't know the right management techniques. Join Procept associate Don Wallar as he answers questions such as why do some teams succeed while others fail? And, are there any hallmarks that define high-performing teams and how do we achieve them?

Based on Patrick Lencioni’s bestselling book, The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, Wallar reveals what you need to know to build a successful team.

PMBoK Guide 6th Edition — What's Changed?
by Darya Duma

Join Procept senior associate Darya Duma as she reviews the changes to the new 6th edition of PMI's PMBOK Guide. It is important to stay current within the industry and be aware of the latest PMI standards. Duma is well versed in the new standard and will highlight the changes. For those thinking of writing the PMP exam and are deciding whether to write the exam based on version 5 or 6, this video is a MUST.

All PMOs Are Not The Same: Exploring the Many Functions of a PMO
by Kevin Aguanno

Not all PMOs are created equal. Some focus on project portfolio status reporting, some on process compliance audits, others on creating methodology and other process standards. Yet even this short list does not cover ALL of the various functions that different PMOs can play in an organization.

Join Procept Senior Associate Kevin Aguanno as he explores the many different functions a PMO could undertake within an organization. Along the way, he'll share some interesting research about how PMOs are functioning today and some indicators about how the PMOs of the future will look.

Risks Inherent in Planning for and Delivering Promised Value & Benefits
by Dr. Bud Lush

Integrated project planning is a process- and expertise-driven approach to ensuring project success. As project managers and leaders of highly-qualified teams, you need to understand how the many elements of the product scope and project scope are connected and the risks associated with them. Through a collaborative and inclusive process, you can develop an effective, well-designed plan providing enhanced assurance of successful project completion. Furthermore, critical to the success of projects is an ongoing rigorous integrated risk assessment and management process. As not all processes, procedures, or functions perform as expected, your experience, along with a pre-defined risk assessment and management process, will enable you to factor in current possibilities and work closely with your extended team to execute a plan and utilize contingencies as necessary. Pre-defined risk assessment and management processes will greatly enhance you and your team's ability to deliver the value and benefits anticipated by your stakeholders.

In this hour-long presentation by Dr. Bud Lush, learn the PM’s key responsibilities throughout a project, how to keep key stakeholders and the team committed throughout the project, the Golden Rules of project risk management, six detailed processes critical to effective risk management, what to look for and what questions to ask to get a true picture of project status, and how to apply practical risk management techniques in the planning, tracking and health monitoring of your project.

Getting Things Done Through People
by Claire Sookman

Virtual teams must learn to work together as if they were in the same room. The balance of any great team is dependent on the interaction of different personality types. In this one hour session, Procept Senior Associate Claire Sookman uses the DiSC Behavioral Profile to address two of the most common challenges that virtual teams face: connection and communication. Gaining insight into these elements can help us understand how to build stronger and more successful virtual teams. At the end of the session participants will be able to describe the strengths and challenges each style brings to the team and develop strategies for identifying and adapting to others’ styles.

Critical Factors for Project Success
by Morley Selver

Join Procept instructor Morley Selver for this recorded webinar where he looks at several guidelines you need to keep in mind when working on projects. Although they seem simple enough, they can have a huge effect on any project if the team ignores them. He talks about project manager behaviors, project guidelines, and finally explains the four project constraints of scope, schedule, budget, resources and the importance of keeping them in balance as changes occur during a project.

Evaluating Project Management as a Discipline
by Mark Kozak-Holland

Procept associate Dr. Mark Kozak-Holland discusses the theoretical frameworks underlying the discipline of project management and reveals the inherent weaknesses and biases we often overlook in our models. A fascinating topic for project management professionals and students of the subject.

Recorded at the 5th Annual PM Paper Competition in Toronto, Canada in September 2015.

Contract Management for Field Personnel (Webinar)
by Morley Selver

Procept Associates senior consultant Morley Selver provides an overview of contract management for field personnel on construction/engineering projects in this one-hour webinar. This webinar is an overview of the concepts, taken from Procept's 2-day course of the same title, available in classroom and self-paced online format.

Strategic Career Planning for PMs: Position Yourself to be Tomorrow's Leader
by Kevin Aguanno

Recent changes to PMI's standards and certification paths mirror changes business leaders want to see in their project managers. These changes are not random, however, they fit along an evolutionary roadmap. Supported by compelling research, this presentation will show you the emerging pattern and projects it forward to show you what skills project managers will need to get ahead of the crowd and position themselves to be the the leaders of tomorrow.

Presented by Procept senior consultant Kevin Aguanno during the first ProjectTalks event in Toronto, April 5, 2016.

Choosing the Right Approach
by Kevin Aguanno

Procept Associates senior consultant Kevin Aguanno presents four different ways of structuring a project (waterfall, iterative, incremental, and agile), the differences and benefits of the four approaches, and a decision-making framework to help you choose the right structural approach for any project. Examples are used from many different industries and many different project types to help clarify key points and ensure that all viewers can relate to the content.

Understanding the PMI Talent Triangle
by Kevin Aguanno

Procept senior consultant Kevin Aguanno explains the 1 Dec 2015 changes to PMI's recertification process, including: why PMI is making the changes, what is the new PMI Talent Triangle, what are the new PDU claiming rules, and where one can find more information.

Gaining Control of a Troubled Project
by Hamid Faridani

Based on years of experience as a troubled project specialist, Procept associate Hamid Faridani explains the root causes of troubled projects and an approach to taking control of such projects and turning them around to be successful again.

Stakeholder Management (PMBOK Guide, Ch. 13)
by Jonathan Nituch

This is an introduction to the new knowledge area called Stakeholder Management as described in the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) chapter 13. Narrated by Jonathan Nituch of Procept Associates Ltd. a PMI Global Charter Registered Education Provider.

Stakeholder Engagement Assessment (PMBOK Guide, 13.2)
by Jonathan Nituch

This is an introduction to Stakeholder Engagement Assessment as described in the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) section 13.2. Narrated by Jonathan Nituch of Procept Associates Ltd. a PMI Global Charter Registered Education Provider.

Managing Stakeholder Engagement (PMBOK Guide, 13.3)
by Jonathan Nituch

This is an introduction to Managing Stakeholder Engagement as described in the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) section 13.3. Narrated by Jonathan Nituch of Procept Associates Ltd. a PMI Global Charter Registered Education Provider.

Managing Project Risk
by Keith Farndale

Procept founder Keith Farndale shares an interesting way to understand project risk.

Project Governance
by Darya Duma

Most organizations have strong corporate governance, but often those governance policies and procedures do not apply to projects or at the very least prove to be a poor fit in matrix organizations. Project governance provides the link between the project manager and the executive management of the organization. All the project management processes in the world cannot help if your project does not have the right framework for executive involvement, decision-making and risk management. As a member of ISO/TC258 on projects, programs and portfolios, Procept associate Darya Duma has shared thoughts on this topic with some of the leading minds in project management on the international stage.

Lessons Learned: Project Management Case Study
by Keith Farndale

Procept associate and founder Keith Farndale presents an interesting case study and conducts a lessons learned exercise.

Project Scheduling Using Float
by Darya Duma

Procept associate Darya Duma teaches how to build a project schedule using float.

The Big Picture: Balancing Scope, Schedule, Cost, and Resources
by Morley Selver

Morley Selver of Procept Associates Ltd. shows how the four constraints relate in "The Big Picture: Balancing Scope, Schedule, Cost, and Resources."

Defined vs. Empirical Management
by Kevin Aguanno

Procept Senior Associate, Kevin Aguanno, explains the difference between defined and empirical management methods.

Back to Basics: Project Management and Business Analysis
by Janice Petley

Procept associate Janice Petley explains the similarities and differences between project management and business analysis activities within an organization.

Procept's Certificate in Project Scheduling and Controls
by Darya Duma

A recording of a 30 September 2009 webinar wherein Procept associate Darya Duma discusses the newly announced Procept Certificate in Project Scheduling and Controls.

The Ten PM Knowledge Areas - Integration (Part 1 of 10)
by David Donaldson

When looking at a project, it is key to have a holistic view, one that goes beyond Scope, Time, and Cost. In this recorded webinar, we look at several key artifacts of Project Management, how these artifacts interrelate and the importance of integrating the resulting product into the environment.

The Ten PM Knowledge Areas - Scope (Part 2 of 10)
by David Donaldson

Scope is arguably the most determinate factor for all the project management knowledge areas. It is also the most difficult to define. In this webinar recording, we will look at some tips and tricks that will help you better define project scope as well as the importance of acceptance criteria.

The Ten PM Knowledge Areas - Time (Part 3 of 10)
by David Donaldson

Time is the one commodity we all have the same amount of. So how is it that some Project Managers appear to have more than others? In this webinar recording, we will explore the concepts of effort versus duration and how to build a schedule. A “frank” discussion on realistic estimating and productivity will also help uncover the real reasons why our projects are struggling to deliver on time.

The Ten PM Knowledge Areas - Cost (Part 4 of 10)
by David Donaldson

In this recorded webinar, we will separate an estimate from a budget -- two very different concepts. We will also look at how to create a true budget and how we can use it to track and more accurately forecast project cost performance.

The Ten PM Knowledge Areas - Quality (Part 5 of 10)
by David Donaldson

“A bad system will beat a good person every time” - W. Edwards Deming. There are two sides to Quality in projects: the quality of the product and the quality of the process. While we all accept that a poor-quality product will cost us more in the long run, what is the cost of a poor-quality process?

The Ten PM Knowledge Areas - HR (Part 6 of 10)
by David Donaldson

“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success.” -Babe Ruth. We often refer to the project “team” but are we behaving like a team or just a group of people working on the same project? Great teams don’t just happen, they are carefully crafted and maintained. Using the Tuckman Model, we will examine the cycle of a team, how it forms, storms, norms and (hopefully) performs.

The Ten PM Knowledge Areas - Communication (Part 7 of 10)
by David Donaldson

You said what now?! Ever feel like you’re not being heard or that the message received is not what you intended? In this recorded webinar, we will look at some of the communication errors commonly made by Project Managers and explore some of the measures that should be taken to increase the effectiveness of Project Communications.

The Ten PM Knowledge Areas - Risk (Part 8 of 10)
by David Donaldson

Effective risk management is all about enabling the project to reach its successful conclusion. In this recorded webinar, we address some of the common myths that exist around what risk management encapsulates and address what it really means to be risk tolerant/adverse. We also explore some the brain science behind how we process risk and how we can compensate for our own misconceptions.

The Ten PM Knowledge Areas - Procurement (Part 9 of 10)
by David Donaldson

Buy it or build it? That is the question. Almost every project requires some form of procurement, whether it is in the form of completed products, resources, or raw materials. In this recorded webinar, we examine how this area of project management should be handled.

The Ten PM Knowledge Areas - Stakeholders (Part 10 of 10)
by David Donaldson

“Stakeholder satisfaction should be managed as a key project objective.” -PMBOK® Guide, 5th Edition.  The project ends only when the customer (stakeholder) accepts the deliverable. If the customer does not accept, the project does not finish. So how can we set projects up for success and ensure that final sign off? In this recorded webinar, we review common stakeholder issues, there causes, and preventative measures that should be taken to effectively “head them off at the pass”.

The Four Pillars of Project Leadership - Pillar 1: Awareness
by David Donaldson

There is a good reason why tables have four legs. Take one away and most tables will fall over, on occasion a table will stand, but will not be resilient to changes and will eventually topple. This is how many project managers go through life, precariously balancing and on occasion, toppling. This series will explore TidalShift’s Four Pillars to Effective Leadership in the world of Projects. With four solid “legs” the Project Manager will be able to transform statistic to success.

The Four Pillars of Project Leadership - Pillar 2: Culture
by David Donaldson

There is a good reason why tables have four legs. Take one away and most tables will fall over, on occasion a table will stand, but will not be resilient, eventually toppling. TidalShift’s Four Pillars of Project Leadership provides that stable base enabling success. “Culture eats process for breakfast” – Peter Drucker. In this the second of our four part series we will explore the effect culture has on project execution and how we as Project Managers can leverage this very powerful tool to our advantage.

The Four Pillars of Project Leadership - Pillar 3: Objective Evaluation
by David Donaldson

There is a good reason why tables have four legs. Take one away and most tables will fall over, on occasion a table will stand, but will not be resilient, eventually toppling. TidalShift’s Four Pillars of Project Leadership provides that stable base enabling success. In our third webinar in the 4 part series, we will explore objective evaluation and how it relates to projects. No one wants their projects to go off the rails and it is easy to be in denial when things are not going as smooth as we would like. There are a couple of bias’s that we must counteract and uncomfortable conversations to be had with our bosses as we deliver those less than glowing reports. During this webinar we will take a look at those bias’s and some of the tools and techniques we can use to obtain and accept a more objective evaluation of our actual performance.

The Four Pillars of Project Leadership - Pillar 4: Focus
by David Donaldson

There is a good reason why tables have four legs. Take one away and most tables will fall over, on occasion a table will stand, but will not be resilient, eventually toppling. TidalShift’s Four Pillars of Project Leadership provides that stable base enabling success. We are all aware of the danger of distracted driving. Especially in today’s world of hyper connected, 24/7 availability and trying to “do more with less” – it is very easy to get distracted, lose focus and not realise that our project is going of the rails until it is too late. In this interactive session we will examine some of the causes and cures that will help us stay focused on the goal.

Key PM Skills - Crisis Management
by David Donaldson

The true test of a project manager is not the plan but the execution. Regardless of the how thorough, how well thought out the plan, things will happen that are not part of the plan. How these “events” are handled can be the difference between success and failure.

Drawing from experience in some very high risk projects, we will look at factors that contribute to success and failure; identifying the bear traps to avoid while setting up the structures to enable project managers to deal with crisis’ gracefully.

Key PM Skills - Communications
by David Donaldson

Many issues in project management are created and solved with communication. While project managers have many tools in their toolbox, communication is not only the most utilised, it is layered within all other tools.  

In this highly interactive webinar will look at the communication needs of a project and what we, as project managers, can do to increase our effectiveness when it comes to communication. Regardless of the style of management, waterfall or agile, effective communication is the differentiator that separates success from failure.

Key PM Skills - Facilitation
by David Donaldson

David Donaldson and Susan Gesner look at the key skills that enable a project manager to become more of a facilitator and less of a 'doer' when comes to managing projects.

The 10 Steps of PM - Step 1: Define the Project and Prepare for Planning
by David Donaldson

The first in a ten step series, we explore the basics of Project Management how to define the project and prepare for planning.

The 10 Steps of PM - Step 2: Project Scope
by David Donaldson

The second step in a ten part series, we explore the fundamentals of Project Management how to define the scope.

The 10 Steps of PM - Step 3: Roles, Responsibilities & Estimates
by David Donaldson

The third step in the TidalShift ten step Project Management series, now that we know what needs to be done, we have to ensure that we get the right resources at the right time. We will also remove some myths surrounding estimations.

The 10 Steps of PM - Step 4: Critical Path
by David Donaldson

The fourth step, now that we have defined the project Why, What and How, it is time to figure out the Who and How much time it will take to put things in order and determine the sequence.

The 10 Steps of PM - Step 5: Develop Schedule
by David Donaldson

In the fifth step of ten in the Project Management Series, we will look at how to develop the project schedule. With the sequence and duration, we have the necessary building blocks to create an initial schedule, but what do we do when the schedule is not going to deliver within the desired time frame? Tune in for tools and techniques to deal with this all too common situation.

The 10 Steps of PM - Step 6: Money, Money, Money
by David Donaldson

The sixth step in the series. Staying on budget is often held as a key success factor in many projects. In our 6th in the series we will explore how to create a baseline to enable us to properly track money flow over the life of the project. With a better map, we will be able to handle those “S” curves like a sports car.

The 10 Steps of PM - Step 7: Risk
by David Donaldson

Arguably the most determinate factor in the success of a project, effective risk management is all about enabling the project to reach it’s successful conclusion. We will address some myths about what is risk management and what it really means to be risk tolerant/adverse. We will also explore some the brain science behind how we process risk and how we can compensate for our own misperceptions.

The 10 Steps of PM - Step 8: Baseline
by David Donaldson

Now that we have figured and re-figured our plan, explored various options and scenarios, it is time to put a stake in the ground, commit to a plan and transition to execution. In our 8th step in the series, we will discuss factors that lock us into analysis paralysis along with some tools to help us make that transition.

The 10 Steps of PM - Step 9: Execution
by David Donaldson

Plan the work, work the plan, it is time for action! Backed by a solid plan, we now need to deliver. We will explore some common scenarios that can throw us off track and how to deal with these situations. Bring your ideas and experience for this highly interactive session.

The 10 Steps of PM - Step 10: Project Closeout
by David Donaldson

Success is the intelligent use of mistakes. This adage is never more true than when applied to project management. A key part of closing any project to learn quality lessons. In this final session of our series we will explore effective ways to facilitate this process.

Through the Looking Glass – PM with a Technical Lens
by David Donaldson

Technically speaking - the first part in our three part 'Through the Looking Glass' series looks at the talent triangle. To better understand PMI's talent triangle, this series looks at project management through each lens of the triangle - technical, leadership and strategic & business management.  

First up is Technical Project Management. When we manage "by the numbers" it is critical to take the lead in any given situation. The second part of this webinar will feature examples of  how to get the numbers right so we have a clear and accurate picture of how the project is progressing. Taking a holistic approach, we will look at various artefacts and how they interact and support each other.

Through the Looking Glass – PM with a Leadership Lens
by David Donaldson

Lead the way – Part two in our three part look at the PMI's talent triangle. To better understand PMI’s Talent Triangle, this series looks at project management through each lens of the triangle: Technical, Leadership and Strategic & Business Management.

Plans are useless without effective execution. The role of the project manager is often viewed as a very technical role; tracking progress, measuring costs and filing reports. We will look at how the role of the PM is actually a leadership role at its core and what leadership skills can be brought to bear that will not only make your project more successful, but make the job more enjoyable.

Through the Looking Glass – PM with a Strategic Lens
by David Donaldson

The Big Picture - The final installment in our three-part look at PMI's talent triangle. To better understand PMI's Talent Triangle, this series looks at project management through each lens of the triangle: Technical, Leadership and Strategic & Business Management.

Projects do not happen in a vacuum; project environment is very important to a project's success. A project's environment can not only determine if the project gets funded, but how much senior management support it receives and in the end, if the project was a successful or not. Increasing awareness of the Strategic and Business Management factors compose the environment that a project operates in and this is key to increasing project success. We will look at the common factors that drive organizations and how those factors affect our projects.

Earned Value Management (EVM) - I can See Clearly Now
by David Donaldson

Have you ever wondered why a project that was being tracked as under budget suddenly goes over budget at the end? It was likely over budget the entire time and you just did not see the complete picture. EVM will give you that complete picture. Although to completely understand the concept may take a bit of extra work, the pay-off is huge. Join David in this interactive 1 hour session as we walk through the basics and bear traps and learn to love EVM!

Winning Strategies for Passing the PMP Exam
by David Donaldson

An informative hour of strategies/tips and techniques essential for preparing to write the PMP exam and pass. We will walk through the requirements for the PMP Certification as well as examine some winning strategies for preparing to pass the exam. Whether you are starting you journey, or ready to write, this informative session will be time well invested. The strategies discussed in this session are truly real world.

PDU Code: 1051X0A2AH

Project Management Book Review
by David Donaldson

With September here, what better time to review some books and the lessons we can apply to our work as project managers. In this session we look at several non-PM books and what we can apply from them to the world of managing projects.

PDU Code: 10518SZVXK

Introducing Updates to PMI s CCR Program and PMP Exam Changes
by David Donaldson

Things are changing! In this informative webinar, we will cover two topics. First up, PMI’s updated CCR program, the Talent Triangle and how TidalShift will make it easy for you to continue to maintain your credentials with our new PDU Webinar program. We will also go over a few specific changes to the PMP Exam that will impact those who are working towards their PMP.

Wondering how to navigate PMI’s new Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR)? Join us for a brief overview of the changes to the program and what you can do ensure you properly maintain your certification while continuing to gain valuable skills. Not PMP certified? We will also be taking at quick look at some changes to the PMP Exam, specifically the Role Delineation Study and how those changes will impact the exam. Both topics covered in this webinar will be of interest to those in process of obtaining or maintaining their PMP.

The Dynamic Duo: Change in Project Management
by David Donaldson

Traditionally, the worlds of Project Management (PM) and Change Management (CM) have been considered separate entities, with separate methodologies and applications. By combining the best of Project Management’s formal process and Change Management’s ability to influence and help people work through change, we are getting results that exceed the sum of their parts.

PDU Code: 1051X6O6YK

The Dynamic Duo II: Project Management & Business Analysis
by David Donaldson

Shared goals but different perspectives. Similar objectives but different approaches. Closely related but not the same. Although Project Management and Business Analysis are often lumped together, it’s important to acknowledge the significant differences that exist between these two strategic disciplines.

In this 60-minute TidalShift webinar, we will put common misconceptions aside and learn how Project Managers and Business Analysts can combine forces to ensure smoother projects and better outcomes. This presentation will clearly define these unique disciplines and provide best practices to support future collaboration.

PDU Code: 10511XRLM0

The Next Evolution of Project Management: Sustainability
by Peter Milsom

Though not generally well understood and appreciated in the Americas, in Europe and Asia-Pacific sustainability is a key social, business and government focus.With 30–40% of the world’s GDP spent on projects, Canadians are leaving money on the table by not understanding what sustainability is and how it can be used to reduce project risks and costs and maximize the asset’s lifecycle benefits. This presentation by guest speaker Peter Milsom will provide a summary of sustainability and how projects can incorporate leading practices into their change initiatives for greater stakeholder benefits. Recorded at the 2019 International Project Management Day celebrations in Toronto, Canada on Nov. 7, 2019.