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Practical Management Instruction (PMI)

Practical Management Instruction (PMI)

Welcome to Practical Management Instruction (PMI) — America’s Premiere Management Training Company


Since 1963, Practical Management Instruction (PMI) has provided expert, in-depth, real-world training to over 1 million professionals and over 17,000 companies and organizations worldwide. PMI is one of the USA’s oldest management training businesses, specializing in management and supervisory training, plus training needs analysis, instructor development, and course design. Today, PMI is an operating division of Procept USA LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Procept Associates Ltd. PMI’s reputation is founded on the delivery of practical concepts and techniques with a level of quality and consistency unparalleled in the training industry.

Please click on “Training” in the upper navigation bar to move on to our training web site to see the broad range of existing courses that PMI has to offer as part of the Procept group of companies. In addition, PMI is known for its ability to prepare and deliver custom training programs for our corporate clients.

Click on the “Consulting” option in the upper navigation bar to get further details on consulting offerings available through PMI and the Procept companies.


History of Practical Management Instruction


PMI was founded in 1963 by Frank Owen Hoffman, PhD a pioneer in the field of adult learning theory. Dr. Hoffman was a retired WWII navy commander, public television personality, and oil company manager. Later in life, he became actively involved in the early days of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) and was on the prestigious advisory board of the Advanced Management Journal.

The Hoffman Years (1963 to 1982)

Originally founded in California in 1963 as Practical Management Associates, the company incorporated in 1965 and achieved marked success in both classroom courses and both audio and video cassette self-study courses. During the late 1960s and 1970s, the company maintained tight relationships with key associations including the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), National Society for Programmed Instruction (NSPI) and the Society for the Advancement of Management; in fact, one PMI board member, Bart Lee Ludeman was simultaneously president of ASTD while on the PMI board. The company expanded internationally and opened up a Canadian division in 1980. Dr. Hoffman hired Jalal B. (Jack) Asgar, PhD as President in 1982 and retired a few years later, leaving Dr. Asgar in charge.

The Asgar Years (1982 to 2009)

Dr. Asgar greatly expanded the company, changing its name to Practical Management Inc. in 1984.

The company eventually relocated to Las Vegas in 1994 where it continued to grow for seven more years. After the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, the company experienced a significant decline in sales due to a lowering attendance in public courses, which were a significant portion of PMI’s business at the time. This trend continued through 2005 when Charles Keefer, PhD was appointed as Vice President and eventually took over the presidency (and ownership) of PMI in 2009, when Dr. Asgar retired.

The Keefer Years (2009 to 2016)

Dr. Keefer moved the company to Arizona, renaming it Practical Management Instruction Inc. where it focused on corporate training. During this time, Dr. Keefer pushed for international expansion, opening overseas partnerships. The business continued under his direction until 2016 when it was purchased by an intermediary who, in turn, resold it to Procept USA LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Procept Associates Ltd.. Dr. Keefer remained with the company, aiding in the transition to the new owners with a position on Procept's Management Advisory Board.

The Procept Years (2016 to present)

After its acquisition as a Procept operating division, PMI continued operations under Procept’s governance structure. Procept dismissed Dr. Charles Keefer from its Management Advisory Board at the end of July 2017 and continues to promote and deliver training under the PMI brand thorugh Procept USA LLC.

PMI Clients


Since 1963, PMI has trained over 1 Million people and has delivered in-house training to over 17,000 organizations worldwide. The following is only a partial list of PMI clients, some of whom have taken PMI-provided training for more than 35 years:

  • Abbott Laboratories
  • AKZO Coatings
  • American Express
  • American Greetings
  • Apple Computer
  • Arizona Department of Economic Security
  • Arizona Department of Transportation
  • AT&T
  • Bachrach
  • Battelle
  • Bayer Inc.
  • BP/Amoco
  • Bureau of Land Management
  • Cargill, Inc.
  • Carlson Wagonlit Travel
  • Colonial Life Insurance
  • Cox Communications
  • Cryovac
  • Deere & Company
  • Dell Computer
  • Delphi Delco Electronic Systems
  • Department of Defense
  • Diebold
  • Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Ericsson Radio
  • Federated (Corporate) includes Systems, Merchandising, Department Stores, etc.
  • Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company
  • Fisher Controls
  • Florida Department of Human Services
  • General Electric Company
  • GMAC
  • Harrah’s Entertainment
  • Hewlett-Packard Company
  • Horseshoe Gaming/Holding Corporation (Horseshoe Casino/Hotel, Empress Casino/Hotel)
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • MCI Worldcom
  • Medtronic
  • Merck & Company, Inc.
  • Motorola
  • Naval Public Works Center (HI)
  • Naval Supply Center (HI)
  • Organon, Inc.
  • Playtex Products Inc.
  • Progressive Insurance
  • Prudential Securities
  • Ralston
  • Roche Labs
  • Rural Community Assistance Corporation
  • Schering Plough Corporation
  • Schlumberger
  • Schwan’s Sales Enterprise
  • Sears
  • Southtrust Corporation
  • Southwestern Bell Telephone
  • Sprint
  • SPBT (formerly NSPST)
  • State Farm Insurance
  • State of Michigan, Family Independence Agency
  • State of Missouri
  • Tap Pharmaceuticals
  • Tetra Pack
  • Texas Department of Human Services
  • Titleist/Foot-Joy Worldwide
  • Toshiba
  • Toyota Motor Sales USA Inc. (Lexus Division)
  • UAW-GM Center for Human Resources
  • UPS
  • US Army Audit Agency
  • US Coast Guard
  • US Customs Service
  • US Postal Service
  • USF&G
  • Wal*Mart
  • Zeneca Inc.


PMI Publications


Over the years, PMI has published a number of books and audiobooks. Below is just a sampling:


Managing Without the CEO (book cover)

Managing Without the CEO
by Jack Asgar, PhD and Richard Wigley, PhD

The title of this book is not meant to diminish the importance of CEOs but rather to direct the accountability for managing the internal operations to their managers, supervisors and employees.  In this book, you will find a unique and multidimensional view of managing that has been missing in the popular but often one-dimensional management books. Our work, our concepts and our observations are not academic. They come from our experienes with real organizaitons, real people and real issues.

The Trainer as Internal Consultant (book cover)

The Trainer as Internal Consultant
by Jack Asgar, PhD

This book presents a comprehensive and realistic view of the internal consulting function.  All the areas in which training consulting should take place are discussed. The book is unique in improving corporate training knowledge as well as increasing consulting skills.

The Organizational Role of Supervisors (book cover)

Supervision: The Organizational Role of Supervisors
by Jack Asgar, PhD

This book should be read by managers as well as supervisors.  Managers: read the book to learn how to be instrumental in developing supervisors.  Supervisors: read this book to learn how to contribute to your organization's effectiveness.  No other book explains as vividly as this one the true contirbution of supervisors in terms of their organizational role:

  • What supervision is... Who and Why
  • Supervisor as head of a work group
  • Lateral coordination
  • Supervisor as a member of management

Contribution Analysis
by Frank O. Hoffman, PhD and Jack Asgar, PhD

This book presents an effective resource allocation technique. Uncover activities in your organization which appear necessary and important, but which might be contributing NOTHING.


Duties of First-Line Supervisors: A Practical Approach to Supervisory Performance

by Frank O. Hoffman, PhD and Jack Asgar, PhD

Learning Objectives... And Beyond (book cover)

Learning Objectives… And Beyond: Closing the "Gap" Between the Classroom and the Job
by Richard R. Wigley, PhD

This book shows how to develop learning objectives that are performance based. The process teaches effective transition of job tasks to learning objectives. This book is MUST reading for every trainer who wants to produce on-the-job results.

There are training programs in which the connection between the classroom and the job is foggy at best. How can a course be well-designed and impractical? Easy! Just follow good instructional design principles - learner-based, criterion-referenced, behavior-modeled, student-iteractive - and you're just as likely to produce a well-designed nonsense course as you are one that has practical application in the workplace.  Since we are in the performance business, not the training or learning business, logic and the need to get the best return from our training resources would indicate that performance, not content, should drive the design of training.  And that's what this book is all about.

3rd Rev. ed. ©1987 Practical Management Inc.  Updated 1991.


How to Keep from Talking to Yourself: Rules of Effective Presentation
by Frank O. Hoffman, PhD

55 pages.

3rd Rev. ed. ©1985 Practical Management Inc.


Make it Happen: A Practical Book for Team Leaders, Project Leaders and Facilitators to Build, Facilitate and Repair High-Performance Teams
by Tony White

This book is for you if:

  • You have demotivated team members
  • Your team members don't meet deadlines
  • You can't figure out how to get your team back on track
  • There is a lack of communication between your team members


Management Fads


Managers' Apparent Interest Index


Organization Diagnosis



Training vs. Education
by Jack Asgar, PhD and James Cook, PhD

In education, the focus is on acquiring skills; in training, the focus is on utilizing skills. This significant difference is discussed in this recording.

Tips on Training Techniques

PMI's senior consultants present a variety of practical ideas for improving your classroom skills.

Managing Training Resources:  A Strategic Plan
by Jack Asgar, PhD and James Cook, PhD

In this recording, the authors discuss an approach to make the most of your training resources and survive under budgetary pressures.

Do it Yourself Organization Diagnosis
by Frank O. Hoffman, PhD

Audio cassette and 40 page workbook.

The Job of Supervision

©1979 Practical Management Associates Inc.

Leadership in the Decision-Making Process

©1979 Practical Management Associates Inc.

How to Teach Grown Ups
By Frank O. Hoffman, PhD

This 8-workbook/audio-cassette course is designed to provide the techniques necessary to make adult learning active and productive in an economically sensitive self-study format.  Whether you are a professional trainer, instructor, technical expert, manager, supervisor or any teacher of adult groups, this course is for you. Great emphasis has been placed on those teaching techniques which will keep your learners involved and interested in the learning process. You will learn down-to-earth, practical approaches for making adult classes stimulating and productive. Each module offers an interactive learn-by-doing approach which asks you to apply concepts and techniques to actual or simulated real-world teaching situations.

Topics covered include:

  • "Learning" vs. "Schooling"
  • Participative Lecture Method
  • Discussional Methods
  • Using the Common Instructional Aids Effectively
  • Lesson Planning and Objectivces
  • Experiential Methods
  • One-on-One Instruction
  • To Test or Not to Test?

12 audio cassettes + 8 workbooks + 1 administrator's guide in 2 containers.

Original ©1969 Practical Management Associates Inc. Revisions 1979, 1980.

Fundamentals of Supervision Curriculum
by Frank O. Hoffman, PhD

28 audio cassettes plus workbook.

©1979 Practical Management Associates Inc.

Motivation and Discipline
by Frank O. Hoffman, PhD

©1969 Practical management Associates Inc.

Winning Edge in Leadership
by Frank O. Hoffman, PhD

©1969. Practical management Associates Inc.

Common Fallacies of Leadership

Effective Team Building

Supervision - The Organizational Role of Supervisors

Why TQM and Other Programs Fail

How to Handle Disruptive Participants

ROI: The Elusive Goal of Training

Supervisory Skills Course

The Organizational Role of Supervisors

Face-to-Face Human Relations & Communications

Communicating Through Objectives