Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

Being Agile: Understanding the Agile Mindset and Team Dynamics

Being Agile: Understanding the Agile Mindset and Team Dynamics

Agility is achieved not only through a set of specific practices; it also requires a different way of thinking about work. Agile approaches to problem solving, performance, and teamwork challenge some traditional assumptions and may not make sense unless one understands the agile philosophy.

In this half-day course, participants will learn about the agile mindset and how to start thinking in new, innovative ways. They will also learn about how agile teams use openness and transparency, collaboration, group reflection to improve team performance.

Learning Objectives

Participants in this interactive session will learn to understand the need for agile, understand the agile philosophy and its underlying principles, describe how Lean concepts apply in agile projects, change team culture through new styles of communications and teamwork, and rapidly improve performance through critical group reflection.

Who Should Attend

This course is aimed at anyone who is new to agile and who is interested in learning more.


There is no prerequisite for this course.  The suggested follow-on course is “Doing Agile: Understanding the Agile Process”.


Participants in this course receive a course workbook including all course presentation materials and The Agile Glossary.