Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

Introduction to Risk Management [Online]

Introduction to Risk Management [Online]

Project risk management is a collection of practices and techniques, used in almost every phase of a project, which aim to ensure that the actual results of a project meet or exceed the expected results. Risk management identifies the threats and golden opportunities that all managers should carefully watch out for to ensure project success.

In this 4-hour self-paced online course, participants will explore quantitative and qualitative techniques to identify, analyze, manage, and control project risk factors. Risk identification strategies covered include risk breakdown structures, Ishikawa diagrams, Delphi techniques, influence diagramming, stakeholder analysis, and more. Risk analysis techniques covered include sensitivity analysis, expected monetary value, decision trees, probability analysis, Monte Carlo simulations, among others. And response planning includes strategies for avoidance, exploitation, enhancement, transference, sharing, mitigation, and avoidance.

For many project managers, this e-course will teach all they will ever need to know about risk management.

This course uses nearly three hours of video. Please have computer speakers or a headset ready.


In this half-day self-paced online course, participants will learn:

  • what is risk management
  • steps in the risk management process
  • qualitative risk assessment techniques
  • quantitative risk assessment techniques
  • risk reduction strategies
  • and more...



This course is intended for project managers, project engineers, and senior team leads.


There is no prerequisite for this course.